Few people consider their homes dangerous. This is until someone is hurt or close to getting hurt within its walls. For instance, you might think your fireplace or wood-burning stove is fine to have around children until one of them walks too close for comfort. This makes you realize that you for example need a much stronger and larger fireguard while ensuring they’re never left unsupervised in the room when the fire is on.

The same could be said for general house maintenance including essential roof repairs. After all, falling slate and tiles, damaged shingles, and loose or overflowing guttering may lead to improper water runoff which is of the highest importance to attend to. Most times we tend to forget this on an intellectual level, but your roofing system is the most exposed part of your household. As such, it tends to withstand the most force and possible debris or damage. 

Let’s consider, then, the three signs your roof could need attention within the foreseeable future:


If you notice tiles or chipped slates on the ground, then that’s often a sign your roof materials are unstable and loose. This doesn’t mean your roofing is necessarily in trouble. However, it could signify a real issue with the construction and the attachments themselves. A fall hazard like this could potentially cause real damage, especially for those who are unaware such as visitors or professionals like delivery drivers walking past. Having roof repair services immediately attend to your rooftop and putting a sign up before they attend can be essential.


If you hear strange sounds, such as banging or clapping, that could be a sign that the wind is accessing your roof and causing issues within the building underneath. Sometimes, you can hear whistling sounds, which could signify an opening or an accessible space that needs immediate attention. These sounds may also warn against openings that could cause leaks if it were to rain. 

That in itself can be worth calling an emergency contractor to make certain no issues are experienced. If you’re unlucky, sometimes even pests can come through the opening such as birds or bats, the latter is a protected species in the UK and may prevent you from legally being able to deal with them.


When the cold sets in, your roof takes on an extra layer of risk, because freezing temperatures can cause wear and tear, especially if water gets into cracks or gaps and then freezes. Expanding and worsening any existing damage. If it’s freezing in this space it might also signify a lack of insulation which could be completely robbing you of your heating use.

Ice dams are another common issue that is found when heat from inside your home melts snow on the roof, only for it to refreeze at the edges, blocking proper drainage and leading to water runoff. This water can poll and also cause damage to your home’s foundation, and requires a professional solution as a result.

Hopefully, you’ve found the above helpful and will put into perspective how roof maintenance is necessary.

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