As Caspian is growing, learning and exploring we naturally think about how we can best support him in adopting new skills. With his second birthday on Monday just gone it made me think of how quickly time has passed and how only a year ago he could barely walk unaided to now, where you’ll see me chasing him wherever we go.

Having recently mastered counting from 1 to 10, though with a dislike of and therefore skip of 7, he now counts items of toys, pieces of food and numbers of cars passing. He also knows his colours and can distinguish between grey, brown and black as well as pink, orange and red. His love of colours especially comes out when he sits down to draw, another new thing that has really taken his fancy. I’ve been surprised to see all of this happen so early on.

We haven’t forced either on him, though Daddy Long Legs has enjoyed teaching him about numbers. Both of us enjoy exploring the world through the eyes of our little boy but at the same time want to make sure we give him the best introduction to life and learning.


I recently came across Rokit and it’s something I think Caspian would really enjoy. He might be a little on the young side but I can see something like this being brought out in the garden in years to come. Rokit is a precision water rocket. It’s used in education throughout the world to demonstrate Laws of Motion.

I can’t wait to teach him more and also for him to teach me. Children are so wonderful earnest in everything they do and we can definitely learn as much from them as they can from us.

What do you enjoy teaching your children? Do they have a favourite subject?