There are plenty of ways that you can induce lactation if you are considering breastfeeding but not the one carrying the baby. Generally, your body will know what to do yet it’s important to start preparing early. However, there are several factors out of our control that can impact supply. If you’re preparing to breastfeed there are small steps you can take to give your body a better chance of producing milk. Nipple stimulation is one such way. Even if you don’t express any milk hand pumping and stimulation can increase your levels of milk-making hormones. This then helps to teach your body to create breast milk because it works on a sublime demand level.
Once your baby is here and you commence feeding it’s important to set up a good routine. Between the endless nappy changes and lack of sleep, this isn’t always easy. Ensuring the milk has repeatedly been emptied from the breast allows the body to learn to make more milk. This is also why babies cluster feed. If you are part of a couple and you would like to breastfeed your child but you are not the one pregnant, then inducing lactation could be a great idea. Whether you do that with breastfeeding tea or breastfeeding cookies, you need to understand why you should be doing it in the first place. There are some things that you should know about inducing lactation. Below we explore more and hopefully this will help you feel confident in your breastfeeding choices.
- There might not be a full milk supply when you induce lactation. You might not be able to produce a full milk supply. Often you may still need to supplement with donated breast milk or formula, so keep that in mind when you are on this breastfeeding journey. You should always put the baby to the breast before and after supplementation so that you can continue to support your breast milk supply. If you are struggling with low supply that’s where the breastfeeding tea and cookies can come in.
- It takes time, but be patient. There are changes that develop in the breasts during pregnancy, and those changes take ten months to come into effect. It shouldn’t surprise you that inducing lactation is different and it will take some time to do it. You should always make sure that you are reactivating at least six months prior to the birth of the child if you are not the one carrying the baby to build that milk supply. Pumping frequently is a good way to do this. And you can either pump with an electronic or hand-expressing pump.
- Speak to a lactation expert. An IBCLC support worker can help you with your baby’s latch. Most people don’t realize that a tongue tie could prevent the baby from latching, and if you experience a painful latch, there’s a problem and will be addressing. Some babies have some difficulty latching on to the breast, even though it is the most natural thing in the world. It can be a challenge if your baby won’t latch but if you get the right support you can maintain a breastfeeding relationship and your baby will be able to feed from you.
- There is help available. It’s important to realize that you are not alone. There are plenty of people out there who struggle with inducing lactation, but that means that there is also support. There are trained and non-judgmental people who are willing to help.