Whether your child already likes to sing, dance and play imaginative games there is a lot to be said for learning these amazing skills from an early age. As an actor, I was introduced to creative classes fairly late in my childhood. I didn’t attend drama classes until I was in my teens. In retrospect, it was something I could have hugely benefitted from as a young child. I was shy and didn’t always feel comfortable in larger social settings. For this reason, it’s been important to me that both boys get to experience various creative activities. This will help them explore but also strengthen their confidence in all areas of life. As a professional actor, I also work as a performance coach. I’ve trained adult salespeople in how to use acting techniques to enhance their confidence. Anyone, young and old, can truly benefit from this.

Caspian has been attending children’s acting classes at world-renowned Stagecoach Performing Arts. With over 30 years on the scene, I’m certain they have the knowledge and experience to provide him with an incredible introduction to expressing himself. Something that will translate to both school work and social interaction.


The classes at Stagecoach start at 4 years of age. This is often a time when many children, even those who have previously been very outgoing and sociable become more self-conscious. They start to understand more about themselves but also the world around them. Sometimes they might struggle to express themselves. This is where gaining confidence through dance, drama and singing can really benefit them. With everything the world has been through over the past 2 years building, courage and confidence are skills that will serve them for life. These children are our future and we owe them to help them navigate the uncertainty with a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Caspian especially loves the games and roleplaying at Stagecoach. Our boy gets to explore different sides of himself during those classes. He comes home and shows off his new dance moves. He sings snippets of songs they’ve learned to Orsino who loves the little shows. If your child has ambitions of acting as a career Stagecoach is a great springboard. While they learn all the necessary skills to take on auditions later on, these classes are just as valuable for those who simply want to feel more confident in general.


Caspian was always a super happy baby and toddler. He went into pre-school with great confidence. His teachers always commended how sociable he was. Yet, while he’s kept a positive outlook it’s clear the pandemic with lockdowns and big changes to everyday life have had an impact. These little souls are learning to navigate the world again. Some of the Performing Arts benefits are learning to work together in acting classes and do joint dance routines as well as sing in harmony. This not only helps his social side it’s also promoting better mental health. Fears can be addressed and Stagecoach clearly takes pride in encouraging the children to take ‘safe risks’ through performance and embrace new challenges.

Caspian enjoys the sessions at Stagecoach very much. With both weekend and weekly afternoon and early evening classes available across the country, you can easily sign up for a taster class for your child.

Disclaimer: This post is written in conjunction with Stagecoach Performing Arts. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are my own.


  1. I can see how this would be of great help and let’s face just a lot of fun after lots of rules!

  2. My kids used to do a similar local class – they loved it and it really did improve their confidence and all sorts of other skills.

  3. I’ve heard great things about stagecoach. My littlest has a penchant for the dramatic so I’m going to try him when he’s old enough!

  4. I think the lockdowns and pandemic have affected our kids more than we realise. These classes sound like a great way to help them I think both of mine would definitely benefit from something like this. I will have to see if we have some local to us.

  5. We’ve been going to Stagecoach for years. It is a great way to boost children’s confidence as well as teaching them new skills.

  6. We don’t do Stage Coach, but my neighbour runs a wee independent theatre company and my boys go to her classes. They really love it, and I agree it’s been really great for their confidence.

  7. My eldest tried drama lessons when she was younger and enjoyed for a while. I did help her as she mixed a little more with older kids too. This looks like great fun 🙂

  8. I’ve been looking at signing Oscar up with Stagecoach as he’s really into performing (his favourite thing about school is the Christmas play). The only thing that puts me off is having to pay for the whole term upfront, as I’m a single parent. Fingers crossed we can get him there someday though 🙂

    Louise x

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