Instagram is a channel I’m dedicating more time to this year. It was my goal to grow it last year from 200 and reach 2000 followers, which I hit in November. My aim is to get to 10.000 by the end of this year. Ambitious I know, but I think it can be done. If you are not following me already you can find me here. See what I did there?

I love scrolling through beautiful and coherent feeds on Instagram and it’s something I want to try and create myself. Taking inspiration from the talented Emily Quinton I’m now putting more thought into each photo and the overall feel I’m hoping to achieve. Together with her husband Emily runs workshops at and it would be a dream to attend one. For now I’m taking advantage of their generous free tools and taster courses online. Check them out if you need inspiration for your Instagram.


Working more focused on this also allows me to improve my photography skills. I love capturing that special moment whether it’s Caspian giggling or a beautiful modern still life in our home.

I’ve come up with the idea is to give each month a colour. I’ve chosen white for January. It will reflect in each photo one way or another.


Here are some of this week’s photos that I shared on Instagram. As we went to Winchester on Thursday I didn’t upload while we were away but did use the trip for inspiration.

Have a lovely Sunday! ❤️

A photo posted by ScandiMummy (@scandimummy) on

Looking for inspiration for some healthy and tasty winter food!

A photo posted by ScandiMummy (@scandimummy) on

Ready for a new week with beautiful flowers in the house. What are you up to today?

A photo posted by ScandiMummy (@scandimummy) on

Do you upload to Instagram? If so do you try and follow or theme or simply add what you fancy in that moment?