I’ve seen so many posts recently discussing mummy friends; the women we turn to at 4 am when our child just will not sleep (again), who we ask for advice on suspect rashes, and those who understand that a wild night out now consists of a glass or two of wine and bed by 10 … or 11, if we are feeling super adventurous.
But what about our non-mummy friends? The friends who do not have children? Those who also make us feel like someone other than just a “mum”?
Now don’t get me wrong, I love my mummy friends; we can chat about anything and everything. They will always be the first I turn to if I have a parenting query or concern – or if I want to have a rant over the toddler’s twentieth tantrum of the day.
However, I will always be thankful for my non-mummy friends; the friends that I have known for years from school, work and university. These are the friends who were as excited as I was when I told them that I was pregnant, who always ask how Aoife is doing.
We may not see each other much, but they understand that life can get in the way. Long distances, shift work, some jetting off around the world as their job, and the fact that I am pretty much housebound on weekday evenings due to my husband’s job.
Yet, when we do eventually meet up after weeks, sometimes months, nothing has changed. We can sit and discuss anything and everything that has been going on with our lives. They are also patient if Aoife decides to throw a tantrum or if I have to leave early to get her home to bed.
I will openly admit that I am pretty crap when it comes to keeping in touch; whilst I may be awake for fifteen or more hours a day, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m functioning. Despite Aoife sleeping through the night, I still wake up exhausted; add that into running around after a demanding toddler all day and doing my best to keep the house in a reasonable state – something I still haven’t mastered – the notion of sending a text slips my mind. By the time I get into bed after getting everything done, I am usually out cold the moment my head hits the pillow.
Despite this, I know that eventually, things will get back ‘somewhat’ to how they were; it won’t be forever and I am eternally grateful that the friends that matter to me are still here, even if we do not see each other as often anymore.
I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for the last couple of years; my focus has shifted but it won’t always be this way.
Thank you, for always being there even if it isn’t physically. Believe me, it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Can you relate to this? Do you have non-mummy friends who are there no matter what? If you enjoyed this post by Jenna from Then There Were Three, why not go and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with her other posts.
I felt like I was living in a separate world to my non mummy friends when I had my first child. It is hard to keep in touch when you have so much going on. True friends will always be there though.
Lovely post Jenna. You are such a talented writer.
I can entirely relate to this, I almost feel a bit disconnected to my non-mummy friends. Life is so busy and hectic, and is something that I really must try harder with. Thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x
I have two non mommy friends who I wouldn’t trade in for anyone! #fortheloveofBLOG
I have a non-mummy friend and she works as a primary school teacher so she has an incline as to what i’m going through and is completely fine with it! we live pretty far away so luckily we were never in eachothers pockets before i became a mum so i think that has helped.
Sometimes it is amazing to talk to someone and them not talk about parent chat!!! #KCACOLS
I can so relate to this. I love the fact that I get to hear about other things than baby vomit. It is nice to know sometimes there is still a big wide world out there.
I love this as a non-mummy friend to a few mummys! x #KCACOLS
It’s so true that sometimes our non-mummy friends are left behind a little, even though that is never the intention. Like you say it won’t be forever, but for now we’re absolutely knackered!! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS, hope you come back again next Sunday x