During this COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest challenges we as parents face is ensuring the safety of our kids. When your kids are getting ready to go back to school, it’s easy to worry. Is it safe to let my kids go back to school right now?
Some areas are experiencing a bigger spike in the number of COVID-19 cases, which can add to the worry. However, these regions with a higher number of active cases have adopted the means of online education to ensure the safety of their students. I did find it hard to home school and juggling work but we got through it.
Yet, these measures are not permanent, and sooner or later, your kids will go back to their schools to continue with their education. Authorities are waiting for community spreads to decrease so schools can reopen in harder-hit areas.
Below you’ll find some practical ways that will provide your kid with the benefit of protection even when they have to go to school in the time of the pandemic.
The signs of Covid-19 are now well-known. It’s important to get tested at the first signs and easier now with lateral flow tests. We try and remind our children of what to do to stay safe. Yet kids are kids and they might unconsciously be standing close to other people, not wearing masks when they go out of the home or not having to wear them depending on age. They might skip washing their hands, and we are all guilty of touching our faces.
When you are getting your kids ready to go back into school after half-term, make sure you remind them about the importance and effectiveness of pandemic preparedness. It will not only keep your little ones safe from getting infected. It will also help you deal with stress and anxiety, which comes naturally when looking after children.
Inform your kids about the importance of social distancing. Since it lowers the risk of getting into close contact with someone affected by the virus, it also decreases the chances of getting infected. Remind your kids not to share their food, drinks, or even books with their friends.
The importance of wearing a face mask. Wearing a mask can help your children feel safer. Provide your kids with layered face masks, which will provide them with an extra layer of protection from the virus. If your child is of an age where a mask is required encourage them to wear it when out and about and at school. Also, make sure they carry an extra mask, in case they misplace it or it gets dirty.
Teach them to wash their hands at regular intervals. This will help your kids to be safe even when they have come in contact with something contaminated with the virus. As long as they keep their hands cleaned or sanitized, the probability of them getting infected remains lower.
Hence, as a parent, it becomes your responsibility to give your kids the benefit of the doubt. So they don’t forget to wash their hands and take every necessary step to keep themselves safe.
It is vital that your child feels comfortable going back to the classroom. Talk to them and help them express their feelings about going back to school. Ensure you are available when they need to talk. The stress and anxiety of going to school during a pandemic can make them feel that they are always at risk of getting infected.
Be the one to start the conversation, don’t wait for your children to come up with problems at school. Initiate a conversation and ask them how their day went at school. Find out if they are facing any difficulties during their time at school.
Whether your child is worried about what will happen if there is a confirmed case or if they are older are unsure about wearing face masks all day at school, try to hear what your kids want to say. Be sure to listen and empathize with them whenever possible. It will help your kids to deal with the feeling that is building stress and anxiety in them. As a result, your child will feel more confident when going back to school. Also, it will help you become a better parent and develop a stronger bond with them.
When your kids are going back to school, it is time to make sure that they have all the tools and knowledge they need to keep themselves safe from the COVID-19 virus. This will help them in continuing their process of learning in a safe and stress-free environment.