Can you tire of doing what you love?
No, but even when you are passionate about your job it can feel exhausting at times. It’s so important to make sure you don’t burn your candle at both ends chasing your dreams. This is something I’ve been guilty of this week.
I was travelling to work on Thursday. I say work but that’s only because someone is paying me as it never for a second feels like work. Lugging my camera gear through Clapham Common I ventured to a private photo shoot. Such a precious afternoon with a gorgeous little boy and his mum. How blessed am I that get to capture memories like these?
In many ways, I wish I had started blogging sooner. If I’d only invested in a proper camera years ago I would be even further in my photography career. Though life is too short to have regrets when it comes to matters like these so, for now, I’m just grateful I found it at all.
I did feel it in my aching muscles dragging myself out of bed the next morning as I headed for another and completely different job in central London. Caspian has been sleeping reasonably well these past few weeks but he stirred many times Thursday night so I didn’t get a proper rest. Plus my head is spinning with all the ideas I have for my blogging and photography business. I need to learn to switch off!
Daddy Long Legs has been an absolute star and I think my packed working schedule has given my boys some much-needed bonding time.
This weekend is filled with a training course at our local bridge club, so no rest for the wicked. I’m thinking Monday will be my day off with just a coffee playdate planned for now.
What are you up to this weekend? How do you switch off when work gets busy?
I switch off by blogging. find loads of comfort in it#PostsFromTheHeart
Your photos are incredible, you have my nomination for sure. I too am guilty at burning the candle at both ends. Maybe one day I will learn to have a better balance but until then I’ll just enjoy it. #PostsFromTheHeart
Oh I couldn’t agree more – ever since I have been doing a bit more freelance work through my blog, my other half has reminded me to pace myself! I’m not used to it but a little self-care would go a long way I reckon 😉 #postsfromtheheart
I’m not very good at switching off – I keep going into I need to be blank for a bit and that’s not brilliant, I don’t even really work anymore and still function like this. #postsfromtheheart