As parents, we often feel like we are juggling the world. Probably because we are. We’re ensuring that this microcosmos of meal times, play, baths, tantrums and giggles is constantly spinning. Not to mention work, home life, friendship, responsibilities. Occasionally we drop a plate as we get overwhelmed often due to sheer exhaustion. Mental and physical. Those who have gone before us wisely tell us that this phase will pass and you just have to ride it out. It will soon get better. This gives us hope. Many therefore dream of better days, more peaceful days. Of days when their baby is sleeping through, when their toddler stops colouring on the newly painted walls, when their little one doesn’t want feeding through the night or when they won’t throw a tantrum every time the world gets too much.

As many, especially women are now not only juggling motherhood but rightly wanting a career as well, it is easy to wish the time away. To want those chaos-filled days to be over. Lack of sleep has been proven to lead to a negative focus and so we might only see problems and not take into account the magic of early childhood. We forget that the baby simply just wants to be near us when he cries in the night. That she is only exploring and developing her skills when she draws on the floor. It’s easy to get upset and frustrated.


This time last year I lost a close friend. Unlike Holly Butcher who recently touched us all with her inspirational and wise words as she left this earth too soon, my friend didn’t know she was parting with our world. Despite being in the hospital for more than 10 days none of us expected this heart-breaking outcome. Like Holly, I’m sure she would have had something profound to say about the way we live our lives and what is truly important. She was an optimist at heart which she carried on her sleeve.

I promised myself that I would honour her by taking a leaf out of her book and not get caught up in the negative. Although, this is easier said than done especially when life throws you. It can be hard to stay positive when you feel like you are only just surviving. This past year hasn’t been easy but it has taught me that I am stronger than I thought. That I am my own biggest supporter, have some wonderful friends and I can do what I set my mind to.  It has also taught me that I don’t want to wish time away. Caspian will soon be at school and I’ll have all the time. Soon I’ll miss hearing his little steps in the night as he comes in for a sleepy cuddle.

Understanding this has, in turn, helped me when Caspian wakes up for the 100th time, has a cold so feeds like a newborn, gets upset because he is tired, climbs all over me as I try and write an important work email or throws his bowl of breakfast cereal and milk on the floor because he’s simply looking to see how I react while exploring and understanding the world surrounding him.


I know that it feels hard at times but these moments are fleeting. Soon your little baby will have grown up, they won’t need you in the night and they will be much more independent. When they want a cuddle in the night give it, hold them tight even when you are exhausted and know that tomorrow will be a long day. Find the beauty in a little hand in yours rather than focusing on your toddler still having night feeds. Celebrate that your little one is curious and creative rather than that they are making more mess. Give them and yourself a break. You don’t have to be perfect, you just need to love. Don’t wish this precious time away!


14 thoughts on “DON’T WISH TIME AWAY

  1. I am so sorry for your loss! That must have been tough for you.
    Sometimes my son wakes up hundread times for feed, and even though I am exhausted, I feed him with a smile on my face. I am so grateful for every moment that we spend together. We are alive and we have each other, nothing else matters x

  2. Nothing teaches us the importance of staying in the moment and not wishing time away than death, I loved this post, echoed the truth

  3. So very true. 18 weeks ago I gave birth to our 4th and final child. I wanted him to stay like a tiny new-born for just that little while longer. Now, he is just learning to sit up and play with toys, ALREADY! Time goes far too fast, and I am scared that tomorrow I will take up and I shall have 20 year olds. If only Bernards Watch was a real thing! x

  4. Being the owner of a 24, 20 and 17 year old child, it is shocking how quickly they grow up and I do miss all the things that probably used to annoy me at the time

  5. So true. E is only fifteen months, but I already miss those newborn days. Not because I don’t enjoy now, I do, but because every day I see her needing me a little less.

  6. It’s true we shouldn’t wish time away although sometimes it can be hard not to especially when you are going through tough times. Putting things into perspective can be a bit hit and miss but can help some. I am loving my cuddles with the little one at night x

  7. I think it’s definitely easier said than done. I’m wishing time away at the moment, just a few weeks, as waiting for my Mum to have major surgery. Mostly I try and just enjoy the here and now!

  8. This is so true. Life is short. I’ve also lost people close to me, with and without warming but the death of my Uncle really put life into perspective for me. His cancer was terminal, yet he was the most positive person I’d had the pleasure of knowing, still planning what cars he’s going to do up and what trips he’s going on when he got out of the hospice.

    Ami xxx

  9. This is so true. Life is short. I’ve also lost people close to me, with and without warming but the death of my Uncle really put life into perspective for me. His cancer was terminal, yet he was the most positive person I’d had the pleasure of knowing, still planning what cars he’s going to do up and what trips he’s going on when he got out of the hospice.

    Ami xxx

  10. I love this post so much hon you are absolutely right not to wish time away for essentially – there is only now as you don’t know what’s around the corner x

  11. This is so true. So hard while we are in the middle of the umpteenth quarrel for the day but yes thinking positively would help everyone and making the most of the time

  12. So very true! Life is too precious and sometimes it takes reading a real story or experiencing loss that reminds you quite how short life is. We should all make the most of every day 🙂

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