Christmas is a fun time for all kinds of reasons. Yet when you’re a parent there’s one thing in particular that you probably love and loathe in equal measure – buying your kids presents. You’ll love it because we enjoy seeing their faces light up when they open their gifts. You might even find it exciting to keep the present a secret for weeks or even months in advance. It can, however, be tricky because that secret can sometimes be hard to keep. Especially when you’ve got curious kids around who might stumble upon their gift at any moment (by accident or on purpose). With that in mind, here are some great ways to keep your kids’ Christmas gifts a secret until you’re ready for them to be opened. Read on to find out more.
If you always hide gifts in the same place, or if your hiding spots are pretty obvious, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to find that those hiding places get found out. The surprise you were so looking forward to giving is ruined. That’s why it’s so important to choose clever hiding places. Ones that aren’t going to get discovered.
Don’t use the obvious places like the backs of cupboards or under the bed. Instead try something different like inside a suitcase. In the garage under some camping gear. Or even in a cardboard box with a boring label on it, like ‘towels’ or ‘bedding’. The kids aren’t going to look there, and your secret will be safe.
A lot of people buy their Christmas gifts online these days. Although that’s very convenient and fast, it’s also a big problem when it comes to those gifts being found out far too early. If you have any shared devices like a laptop or tablet, or even if you let your children use your phone to play games, for example, you’re running the risk that they’re going to accidentally come across your browsing history and see precisely what you were looking for. The surprise won’t be a surprise for long then.
In that case, you can solve at least some of the problems by knowing how to clear Google search history. Do that, and they won’t see what you were looking for. You should still be able to give them a lovely Christmas surprise. As well as doing this, you can turn off notifications so alerts don’t pop up about deliveries or special offers. Especially while others are using the device. If you can reject cookies on the websites you were buying from, that should cover a lot of the issue.
If you have a trusted friend or family member you can ask, why not see if you can store the gifts at their place? It’s even better if you’re going to spend Christmas together as it makes things all the more convenient. Even if that’s not the case, getting the gifts out of the house – and maybe even having them delivered somewhere else as well – could be the ideal solution.
The only thing you’ll need to think about is collecting the gifts in plenty of time. To have them at home for Christmas and wrap them if you need to. Putting in a little work makes the Christmas surprises that bit more special.