Little Tikes

The first toy that Caspian really engaged with was a bright orange plastic Lobster on a lead. Daddy Long Legs named him Lobby Lobster, original I know, and he’s been a part of our little family since Caspian turned one back in February. While on holiday in Gibraltar Caspian picked out Lobby while visiting a small toy shop in town. He was the highlight of the trip for our birthday boy and he still loves wheeling him around now. Lobby is also part of the collection from Little Tikes aimed at the 0-3 year-olds.

Yesterday morning I traveled into London alone – a rare treat which meant a quiet commute allowing me to read my new book followed by a quick stop at Starbucks to pick up my favourite Chai Tea Latte before strolling the short walk from Tottenham Court Road to my destination in the autumn sunshine. Bliss!

Little Tikes toys

With the love of Lobby in mind I was thrilled to be invited to the Little Tikes event at the Ice Tanker venue in Central London showcasing some of their new toys. Probably best known for the popular red and yellow Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car, they have a fantastic new range with stimulating toys and play mats perfect for baby’s tummy time to fun and funky musical toys that will see your toddler boogie. Taking in all the colourful toys on display I felt a little sad I wasn’t able to bring Caspian. He would have loved it, but unfortunately he was recovering from a 24-hour tummy bug and not quite ready for this day out.


Fortunately though, I could surprise him with the Movin’ Lights Monkey from the generous goodie bag which, unsurprisingly, was an instant hit. The monkey’s big eyes and cheeky grin makes Caspian smile. His fondness for shoes means he’s already figured out to press the green and red laces to make the Monkey sing and dance. These two will make great friends!

Baby shower breakfast ideas

At the event we enjoyed a delicious breakfast and played a couple of classic baby shower games. But more importantly the lovely Emma Kenny, child psychologist extraordinaire and Little Tikes’ Play Expert was there. She gave a short speech on the importance of following your instinct as a new parent, that we do know what’s right for our individual child and not to be pressured by society to make our kids do something before they are ready and able. We don’t need to live up to this idea of the prefect family, as life with a baby is stressful enough without the added pressure.


She also revealed the findings of a new study showcasing that 49% felt shocked as they adjusted to their life with a newborn, but giggles was equally important in those first years and makes everything worth while.

Emma Kenny

Did you feel shocked when your baby arrived? And what is your little one’s favourite toy?