Do you feel as though your house doesn’t quite feel like home? It could be that you haven’t lived there long. Or you’ve simply fallen out of love with your current decor. If so, this winter might be the time for you to do something about that. By taking steps now, you can renovate your existing property while adding your stamp with ease. You’ll be spending more time indoors during the colder months so take advantage of that.


One of the first things you could do is add a new coat of paint. This is one of the best ways for you to create a blank slate for your personal home journey. Painting the walls may seem obvious but it is a way for you to freshen up your home. If you are finding it difficult to decide on a colour scheme then look into colour psychology. This is a fantastic way for you to learn how colours can influence your energy. This way you can recreate your personality traits in a fun and positive way.


Another thing you can do is hang some of your favourite art pieces. Empty walls are not just dull, they are also depressing. If you have artwork that’s been in storage or sitting on the floor hidden away then now is the time hang it up. Remember, you can also find some very affordable original pieces online and you can also look on Etsy for ideas. Don’t forget to consider the frame. Choose a frame that fully complements the piece and also make sure that it adds both cosiness and charm. If you can’t find anything that suits your space then one thing you can do is try and come up with your own artwork. You can use sequins and other decorative elements to put your piece together and when you do this, you will soon find that it is easier than ever to get the look you are going for.


Bring the outdoors in, if you can. Adding some greenery and some freshly cut flowers will make your home feel more like yours. Adding plants is the best way for you to boost your mood and it can also help to increase your energy levels. Plants improve your immune system by filtering the air in your home. Such a great added bonus.


If you are decorating your home then one way for you to get affordable furniture would be for you to buy things second-hand. You can also accept things from your friends and your family. Although the furniture might not be to your taste exactly, you should know that a filled house is way more homely than one that is bare and empty. You never know where you are going to find the perfect items either, so give this some thought and make sure that you look everywhere to see if you can find something that suits your home.


If your home has a lot of outdated fixtures that do not seem to fit with your preferred aesthetic then one of the first things you should do is swap them out. Like with art, you have to consider the size and the positioning of your lights. If you have a chandelier then this will probably look better if you have it in the foyer or a larger room. If you want to add a bit more light to a dark corner or if you feel as though your home isn’t quite bright enough then lamps are ideal for adding a burst of personality.


Want to put your stamp on the place, but don’t have much of a budget? One way to easily transform a space would be to invest in a rug. When you do buy a new rug for your home, you will soon find that it adds warmth to your home which makes a huge difference overall. If you want to choose a nice rug then consider the size and the shape of your rooms. A small rug will often look cluttered, so try and keep this in mind and invest in the largest rug possible. By taking things like this into account, you will also be able to decorate each room easier too, as you will be able to set the colour theme with the rug you choose.