My toddlers love for pens, shoes, bottles, books and phones

Last year I wrote the post The Remote Control Phase. It was all about Caspian’s fascination with, yes, you guessed it our tv remote … or really any remote control, as long as it was the one we were using at that very moment. Also, it had to be the real deal, not a colourful toy one which would quickly be dismissed.

I learned that these phases are quite common and Caspian was not unique, which especially came to point as three out of six mummies at an NCT lunch pulled out their remote controls, from their house, and handed them to their wailing babies who immediately broke into big smiles. Do babies know something about remote controls that we don’t?

A lot has happened since November from Caspian now walking, preferring to do things himself like eating and brushing his teeth (the latter though still supervised) to saying the odd word (we’re still stuck on Daddy, though words like ‘no’ and ‘beer’ have crept in?! I wonder who he listens to?) and he seems to have moved on from the remote. Though that might also be because we don’t actually watch much TV, but catch up with most things online.

Adults versions still seem to appeal to him much more than fun and loud children’s versions, so I thought I would draw up a little list of items that currently holds his fascination.

Phones – well, this is not surprising. Everyone around him are on their phones, from mummy and daddy (though we try and put them away for play and dinner time) to strangers on the street. What’s curious it that it’s the actual speaking on the phone that’s intriguing to him. And funnily enough it doesn’t have to be an actual phone for him to talk into it (or seemingly get a reply?!). So far he’s put the video monitor, my camera battery charger and a little card box to his ear and said “Hiiii”. God knows who he’s communicating with so much, but whoever it is they have a lot to say and Caspian will happily listen.

Caspian having a natter on Daddy's desktop mouse

Having a morning natter on Daddy’s desktop mouse…as you do!

Pens – I was really excited when Caspian started showing an interest in pen and paper. As someone who’s always love to draw and write I was hoping that this would be something we could do together as Caspian got older. I suppose it is as long as either he or I constitutes the canvas. Besides drawing on himself or the duvet cover, he just likes to hold the pens (and sometimes chew them). He also invented a great game where a pen would disappear down Daddy Long Legs’ top and magically appear out his sleeve. Provided hours (at least it felt like that to Daddy Long Legs) of fun!

Shoes – the other day he stuck his feet into Daddy Long Legs giant trainers. But generally he prefers to walk around holding the shoes rather than wearing them. Occasionally they also work as a phone! Again it seems any shoe will do, old or new, dirty or clean, his own or mummy’s, my boy’s not picky that way. And apparently they make excellent chew toys, too, (please note, for any older relatives reading this, we try and make sure he mainly chews the cleaner ones!)

Big shoes to fill!

Books – now this is something I’m so pleased about. They read stories at nursery and we read to him here at home with me in both English and Danish. But now he’s started reading to himself and he’s so smart he can often read upside down. I think we have a genius on our hands!

Bottles – and no, not the ones for milk, he still prefers mummy’s on tap. But bottles with lids are a firm favourite. Shampoo bottles are currently in the lead I think, and basically the only “bath toy” he will play with. Though I still think that a Heinz ketchup bottle might just sneak into the number one spot. He sees it a mile away and will not relax until said bottle is in his hands. He’s not actually had ketchup, but clearly those red and white bottles are super alluring.

Caspian loves his Heinz ketchup, but only the bottle

What’s your little one obsessed with at the moment?

Run Jump Scrap!
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday


  1. Aww this is so cute! This is true about the shoes. Sienna loves wearing my shoes. Even Bella still does it but more like in a fashion way! LOL Sienna loves my phone, laptop, ipad etc anything that she sees me using she wants to have it too! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS my lovely friend! πŸ™‚ xx

  2. My nephew went through a phase of playing with deodorant and body sprays. He would ‘graffiti’ the place in anything that sprayed. Books is a good thing πŸ™‚ #kcacols

  3. When our daughter got obsessed with pens what followed is still not fully covered with fresh paint! We couldn’t blink without her doodling on a wall!!! #KCACOLS

  4. Mine definitely loves these things as Well! Especially the phones and books. He also loves to take cans and boxes out of the kitchen cabinets and stack them up around our living room.why do we even buy them toys😊 #KCACOLS

  5. Ah, so sweet! My little one is also obsessed with making everything a phone, and with bottles!! The remote control phase has finally passed for us too! Funny little creatures πŸ™‚ #KCACOLS

  6. So cute!! Mine used to love phones and remotes but seems to have grown out of it now… Now it’s all about cars! (He’s 25 months) #kcacols

    1. I read that as 25 (years) at first, but I have a feeling the cars obsession never leaves them πŸ™‚ Caspian loves them too… and busses! Thanks for stopping by.

      Nadia – ScandiMummy x

  7. I could have written this exact list about Ailsa who is only a month younger. She likes all of those things. Phones especially, she also like clothes pegs and we find them all over the house.

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

    Azaria-Being Mrs Lynch

    1. Yes, clothes pegs! What’s up with that. Caspian’s eyes light up when he spots them on the line in the garden.

      Nadia – ScandiMummy x

  8. great post no idea what the fascination with toddlers and phones. cute photos of you darling boy x #kcacols

  9. What is it with phones?! NC is utterly obsessed. NG also ‘needs’ my phone more than I do, apparently. Also, hair. The baby is currently tugging mine as I type. Better go ..! #KCACOLS

  10. Oh firstly can I just say that your son is just too gorgeous – those blonde curls! Ha ha I remember those phases – funnily enough they become just as obsessed with phones in their teen years too! #KCACOLS

    1. Thank you! Yes, the curls suddenly appeared a couple of months ago and I can’t get myself to cut them. Thanks for popping by!

      Nadia – ScandiMummy x

  11. Back from #KCACOLS and still giggling & reminiscing. They really are all the same in some ways!! πŸ˜€ xx

  12. Back from #KCACOLS and still giggling & reminiscing. They really are all the same in some ways!! πŸ˜€

  13. Haha oh yea. My toddler often tries to steal the shoes right off my feet! And it cracks me up kind of when he tries to remove condiment bottles from out of the fridge when I’m getting his milk. Silly toddlers.

  14. Such cute photos! Mine are obsessed with all but mostly phones and books right now. My daughter like to call nanny, while she chews on a book. Her brother like to bash his sister with a book, also while on the phone to nanny. They’re sweet obsessions though aren’t they x

  15. We had the remote control phase too – oh the drool! All over the buttons! He had to have my keys as well – his eyes would light up as soon as he saw them. Thanks for linking! #chucklemums

  16. My boy also loves the phone! He thinks remotes are phones too. He’s always having a natter to Grandma. I don’t understand what he’s saying though. What’s funny is if someone is actually on the phone he freezes and won’t say much πŸ™‚ #bestandworst

  17. I remember the Tubblet being fascinated with the remote control when she was that age! This was before phones were a thing though. She’s fascinated with phones now!

  18. haha phones have always been up there…mainly to find YouTube now (not so good). I think now she’s a bit older she more bothered by her own stuff but this phase for Caspian is so cute. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  19. My boy went through a bottle phase, he was quite happy to be passed an empty diet coke bottle when out and about, keep him calm for ages. Now he’s more interested in the contents so I can no longer drink anything other than water around him, he’s doing me a favour really, but it’s frustrating. #bestandworst

  20. my threenager is obsessed with closing doors at the moment. if he has finished in a room he shuts the door, has to open/shut the front door/car door driving me MAD! #chucklemums

  21. The baby is obsessed with literally everything you have mentioned here. That and putting things inside other things. And still, remote controls. Sigh.
    The toddler is only obsessed with the iPad! Oh the shame.
    Thanks for linking up to #chucklemums πŸ˜€

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