Everyone seems to be talking about focus and goals. A new year brings this about. For me I needed last year to end. Not because of all the horrible things taking place in the world, though for that I’m also glad to see the back of 2016.


No, as the year began I thought I was on the road to something good. I had landed a part time job that was interesting and challenging in it’s own way, I continued my free-lance work in corporate skills training collaborating on some great projects with big name clients. The blog was going well, and even though I had limited time to invest in it as it was just a hobby, it was growing and more and more opportunities came knocking.

Then within the space of a month my part-time contract fell through and the corporate skills training company no longer needed me. At first I was scared, confused, upset. Returning to work after my maternity leave I had convinced myself that I wanted stability in form of a good and secure part time job, especially now I was a mum and had Caspian to look after. I had put my acting career on hold for this exact reason.

While looking for other opportunities I put more work into the blog. This led to more opportunities coming my way. I had time to build my photography business, too. Things were looking up. So why am I glad to say goodbye to 2016 then?


Even though the year ended on a high work wise with some fantastic campaigns and interesting collaborations, I needed the year to finish. People I trusted and looked up to had let me down. Used me to take the blame for their incompetence. I never allowed myself to work through that. Holding on to these feelings led to me become stressed and drained. Combined with hormones raging I wasn’t in a good place as Christmas rolled around. Considering this is normally my favourite time of year I couldn’t feel joy.

The hormones were probably due to a combination of Caspian cutting down on breastfeeding and me being on the pill. The latter I have now given up and the change is overwhelming.

I know I suffer from PMS, but through the past couple of months it has felt constant. Now I have more energy, more focus and I’m just generally happier. I’m pouring this into the blog and currently working on honing my brand identity and creating a coherent look across all channels. I’m bringing together everything I’ve learned over the years and it feels amazing.


I’m still learning through books like The Million Dollar Blog and wonderful and inspirational sites like Make Light. The latter has some amazing resources if you are looking to enhance your Instagram. This is something I’m focusing on in the coming weeks, so watch this space.

Having built the blog myself and simply learnt as I went along, I’m so proud of where I am now. I can’t say I won’t return to a steady job if the right one came along, but right now I’m loving the creative freedom that this space brings about as well as the skill set I’m developing. Plus it allows me to spend precious time with my boy, which is the most important part of all. 2017, I’m ready for you!

How was 2016 for you? Were you glad it’s over or does it hold lots happy memories?

3 Little Buttons
A Mum Track Mind


  1. It wasn’t the best year for me but something good came out of it – my blog! So it wasn’t all bad! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  2. Oh bless you, that sounds like a tough time for you – I didn’t go back on the pill because of the hormones after being pregnant. Hope 2017 brings lots of happiness for you. Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam x

  3. Good luck for 2017, and I do agree with 2016 being a bit up and down (especially when considering world events!!) – it sounds like 2017 should be more stable for you and enjoy being your own boss! #kcacols

  4. I wanted the year to be over. My dad passed away and there have been other things that have gone wrong too, I thought my bad luck would never end.
    Hopefully this year will be much more positive and I can begin to lighten up a little x

  5. I think that 2016 was very difficult for many of us, I know so many were glad to see the back of such a tough year. I hope that 2017 is kinder to you, and us all. Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofblog

  6. I love your blog and look forward to seeing what you have planned for 2017. It sounds like you went through an awful experience last year, with someone breaking your trust. I’m sorry to read that. For me, 2016 was pretty awesome! New baby, new home & started my blog! #KCACOLS

  7. Although you may have felt like 2016 was a struggle at times it appears you had a very successful year blogging!
    Well done or your achievements and all the best for 2016!

  8. Thanks for such an honest blog. Life can be tough at time and it’s not the done thing to share about it online, however reading honest blogs like this is so life affirming. Ling up from #KCALOS

  9. I have noticed a huge affect on my mood since Piglet stopped feeding overnight in October. We are down to 2 day time feeds and I feel uptight and tense most of the time. I think it’s hormone related and plan to see my GP soon to see if a change of contraception will help #fortheloveofblog

  10. I never went back on the pill after having Arthur for similar reasons…we are now down to one feed a day (or more accurately ‘night’) and I do think it brings about some changes hornonally. Sorry to hear about your contract falling through. I have loved seeing all your amazing YouTube videos popping up on my feed lately – I think whatever else is going on, you seem from the outside to be doing amazingly xx

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