How do you explore morals and values with children? Parenting is multi-faceted. Not only do you have to feed your child and make sure they have a safe place to call home. You also need to ensure they grow up to be a good, kind person. As one of the most influential people in your child’s life, you will need to be a role model to them and explore values and morals together. This will help to ensure they are compassionate. That they are hard-working and generally happy and successful. I have teamed up with a top London Sixth Form to share some key moral values that you can start exploring with your child.
A good place to start is with respect. Your child needs to understand that all people are equal and should be treated respectfully. They also need to have a sense of respect for authority and the rules that are put in place to keep them safe. Both at home and at school. If your child shouts at you it’s easy to feel upset. Especially if they become physical and breaks something on purpose or behave badly in some other way. Try not to lose your temper. Lead by example and show your child that feelings are valid. Find a way to show that you can be upset without being disrespectful.
If your child is able to empathise with others, especially those less fortunate than themselves, then other values such as kindness and gratitude will fall into place. If another member of your family is upset about something or struggling in some way, encourage your child to offer their support and compassion.

This can then be extended to other people in the community. From offering to help an elderly neighbour who can’t mow their own lawn. Lend a hand and carry their shopping home from the shop. This will not only teach your child to sympathise with others and care for them, but it will also encourage them to look at their own lives and be more appreciative of how fortunate they are.
While I’m a big believer that children learn through play, I do feel that as parents we have a duty to their education. We also have a responsibility to teach them that they need to show a duty of care. Encourage them to be punctual, hardworking, and responsible, as this will help them succeed in school and reach their full potential. Praise them when you can see that they are trying hard on a piece of schoolwork and avoid focussing on the end results; as long as they are trying their best, that’s all you can hope for. Also, instil in them to be proud of themselves. Show them how to love themselves. Teach them to set their moral compass.