If you haven’t already seen over on my Instagram we had some exciting news at the end of last year. I can’t believe it’s 2019 already. It’s a year that will forever change our lives. I haven’t been as active on here in the last few months as the little one in my tummy has been giving me a tricky time. I had morning sickness – or nausea – when expecting Caspian but this baby stepped it up a notch. With Caspian it eased around 13 weeks where here it is still playing up into my 16th week.
Maybe it is also down to the fact that I can’t just rest and sleep when needed. With a (very active) 3-year-old who’s zest for life is like no one’s I know my day starts early and is none stop. Of course, I had to put the brakes on a little when most days starts with me greeting my breakfast again. Caspian has been good but he has struggled a little to understand why Mummy hasn’t has the same level of energy as normal.
We can’t wait for end June, although Caspian kept us hanging around for almost two weeks only to arrive on my birthday so my guess is that we’ll have a July baby this time. It will be interesting with a summer baby. I hope we have a lovely season although not too hot as being very pregnancy is tough enough as it is. It will mean we can have lovely lazy days in the garden for those first few months so I’m looking forward to that.
If you follow us regularly you might have seen that we sadly experienced a miscarriage in July 2017. At almost 12 weeks it was a hard thing to deal with as is any pregnancy loss. It definitely took me – both mentally and physically – a long time to recover. At first I didn’t want this to put me off sharing the good news when we found out we were expecting again back in October.
I was initially ready to share it then – also to try and take the stigma and fear away that you naturally can experience after loss. It was more because of the sickness and extreme tiredness that I didn’t share the news of our rainbow baby publicly until we had our reassuring 12-week scan. I want to enjoy every precious moment of this pregnancy and I look forward to sharing the beauty of it all with you both here and on my social media channels.
We are finding out the gender in 3 weeks time. Caspian wants a boy. He has made that very clear. Although he is already a loving and caring big brother. Talking to the bump and curiously asking questions like “Will the baby miss me while I’m at pre-school?” so I’m sure whatever the gender they will have a wonderful bond.
I originally didn’t want a big age gap but I can definitely see the advantages of the four years that will separate these two. Caspian will start school a few months after this little one is born allowing me more dedicated time with the new baby. He already adores pre-school so I’m sure he’ll love it and it will give him a break from the chaos a new born can bring.
I originally wanted to share weekly updates all the way through. Realistically though I’ve realised that between juggling my business and a little one I won’t start these until we hit 20 weeks in early February. I hope you will check in regularly. I’ll also share my top tips and tricks for a happy, healthy and ‘hyggelig’ pregnancy. Along with the most stylish Scandi and Nordic inspired baby items and outfits out there.
Oh wow what incredible news and I really hope the pregnancy goes smoothly for you, how exciting
Laura x
This is so exciting! I have two boys who are just over three years apart and it’s been a great age gap, with my oldest being very protective and willing to help out with his little brother. Fingers crossed you’ll start to feel a little better soon!
Oh my goodness I missed this announcement – congratulations!! What wonderful news x
What an exciting time! I wish you all the best in the remainder of your pregnancy.