Sustainability is important if we want to take care of our planet and protect the environment. The media focuses a lot on sustainable fashion and food, both areas where a lot can be done. Yet what about air travel?

As a travel-loving family this has played on my mind a lot recently. Not only do we love to take adventures and explore this glorious world, we also fly to Denmark frequently. We often travel SAS and I was pleased to learn that they now offer their travellers an option to choose 100% bio-fuel or a mixture of carbon offsets and bio-fuel when booking tickets. I’m proud to fly SAS knowing they have long-term targets in place and have a focus on climate change. All of their youth tickets are CO2-compensated, too, which means anyone under 26 can travel responsibly. You can still be sustainable and travel the world.


What can you do to become a more sustainable traveller? These are my top tips but I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below?

PACK LIGHT – this is an obvious one. Do you really need those extra clothes, shoes and whatever else you throw in last minute, just in case? If you want tips on packing a carry-on then read what the experts say in my post HOW TO TRAVEL WITH HAND LUGGAGE ONLY. Many larger cities and hotels offer services to rent equipment so you don’t have to carry that extra load. We’ve used Baby Golightly in Copenhagen and they even deliver prams and buggies to the airport for your arrival. Too much heavy baggage means increased energy consumption and emissions.

CHECK IN ELECTRONICALLY – most airlines have apps and the option of storing your paperwork and boarding pass on your smartphone or tablet. Download newspapers and magazines and even books to your electronic devices saving not only on weight but paper, too.

ARRIVE ON TIME – delaying a flight is not only annoying for your fellow passengers it  could also mean that the plane has to fly faster to try and catch up and this leads to increased emissions. Arriving at the airport in good time also allows you to take advantage of the many shops and restaurants and ensures a stress-free experience especially if you travel with children.

Do you think about sustainability when you travel? Do you have any tips to add?


  1. Ah it’s nice that you’re talking about this, it’s so important. I always check in online and have the boarding pass on my phone and although it’s only a little change, I’m sure if everyone did it it would really make a difference!

    K xx

  2. It is great that you have mentioned these tips. We should contribute it every possible way to save our planet!

  3. I never thought about it util your post, to be entirely honest. You give some pointers, I always pack light (only because I know I will bring back souvenirs etc) and I am careful that way, but thank you for bringing it to my attention.

  4. I think we should all be aware of this and try and make a difference for the future generation. Electronically checking in is something we have started doing since last few years .Not only does it save paper buts it’s quick too.

  5. It’s so important to talk about this! This is our future at risk and I’m glad that SAS is doing their contribution to reduce CO2, it’s also been ages I don’t use I don’t use paper for my check-in!

  6. These are really clever ideas. I have always chose electronic to save paper but I hadn’t thought about it saving on weight in the plane not carrying around so much paper. Honestly never given much thought to weight at all or the negative effects it would have. I am glad this post will be in my mind for next flight I take.

  7. I have to say sustainability is something that’s only recently become a consideration for me and it’s not a thing I’d thought about when it comes to traveling so this is definitely an interesting post.

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