This is a collaborative post
Here I am two and half years into parenthood and I’ve recently been reflecting on what I’ve learned. If there is anything I would have done differently. Since our devasting news in July, I realised it was time to look after myself better. If I wanted to emotionally survive I needed to make sure that my body and mind were cared for. I needed to take more responsibility. Unsurprisingly if I’m healthy and happy I can be a better mum as well.
I realised that I need eat better food, drink more water and I started taking liquid iron and tailor-made vitamins as well as vitamin D which has all helped me feel more energised and lifted my mood.
So here are some of my tips to staying healthy after you’ve had a baby, some I wish I had followed sooner. There are very basic but it’s easy to forget when you suddenly have responsibility for another life. I’ve really seen a big difference recently and I feel so much better overall.
I hate to admit it as I love cake although eating nutritious food makes a huge difference. I had fallen into an unhealthy habit of starting my day with a croissant (often with a chocolate filling) and a cup of tea. It really didn’t set me up for the day even though it was very tasty. Now I make a smoothie and my current favourite is a mix of an organic banana, frozen raspberry, a dash of organic dark cocoa powder and unsweetened almond milk. I want to get some chia seeds to add, too. If you have any good smoothie recipes please leave them in the comments below?
I also eat porridge with Agave syrup, nuts and dried fruit. For lunch and dinner, I try and include a leafy salad and mainly choose organic food.
We hear this over and over again, yet I often find myself dehydrated. When drinking water and getting 6-8 glasses a day I feel so much better, so I’m not sure why it’s so hard for me to stick with this. I guess you get caught up in everyday life and so I’ve started leaving glasses out to remind myself.
Do you have any tips for drinking more water?
If you are breastfeeding I’ve found that it’s even more important to follow the advice above about nutrition, extra vitamins (make sure they are approved for breastfeeding) and drinking lots of water. Although, it is just as important to care for your breasts and I found the Lanisohl nipple cream to be very good.
Having comfortable well-fitting bras are equally as important in my book. You’ll find that a lot of the designs are not very enticing, though. The new Bravado nursing bras are not only super comfy but they look nice, too. I’ve recently tried out Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra in a gorgeous light pink and Body Silk Seamless Yoga in a heather grey. They come with a clever system that means you can transform them to normal bras when you no longer need them for breastfeeding.
It is recommended that you wait 3-6 months after birth before you start exercising again. Give your body time to rest and recover. I enjoyed walking in those early days and as we live in a house with a lot of stairs that helped to get me back into shape again along with breastfeeding. As I got busy with work and caring for Caspian I pushed exercise to one side as I didn’t think I needed it. I had stupidly discarded the many benefits of building up a sweat, physical and mental. It is something I’m starting now as we’ve teamed up with Thule focusing on how you can make healthy choices as a parent and get more exercise even while looking after little ones.
I was recently sent these amazing running shoes from Asics so I’m ready to start running. Not to lose weight but to feel better, tone up and help with my mental health, too.
I loved using essential oils in pregnancy. I often added a few drops of lavender oil to my pillow at bedtime to help me get to sleep. New Direction Aromatics Pure Essential Oils supply 100% pure oils to brands like Lush and Elizabeth Grant, whose products I love. It’s a whole new world you can explore to find the oils that suits your needs whether battling tiredness, stress or simply want to feel refreshed.
What are your top tips for caring for you as new parent?
I have a really hard time drinking water myself and I don’t know why. It’s just so much water and it’s not tasty so I guess that is why, though I hate that flavored water they have out there. Too much nutrisweet in them for my liking. I also don’t eat a good breakfast and I know I should. Not eating a good breakfast sets me up for a day of randomly eating whatever is around and that’s never good either. I like the smoothie idea. I will have to try that.
This is such a great post Nadia. It is so important to look after yourself I wish I had known this when I had my first it would have helped me so much xx
Great tips, I really need to start looking after myself a lot more as I have neglected my diet and fitness majorly since having my little two. x
Some brilliant tips here – for me especially being mindful about food has made a massive difference. We eat things automatically these days without even thinking about what we are putting into our body, just being more conscious makes a huge difference!
I’ve never had a problem drinking lots of water thankfully! Xx
I am not a mother yet but i think more of these, drinking water, exercise and eating nutritious food is applicable to all of us.
I’m horrible at drinking water. I know that when I haven’t drunk enough I get a headache so I really should be drinking more. A good idea to leave glasses lying around.
It’s so important to look after yourself when you are responsible for caring for others! Great advice but I confess I often skip breakfast (I always ate it while breastfeeding)
I think that I will try essential oils to help me sleep better. My husband snores so I am sleep deprived.
I am so bad at drinking enough water. I manage it for a few days and then life gets in the way. Apart from a daily walk, I definitely need to up my fitness game. I really want to make time for yoga and maybe a run each week.
I had such a shitty pregnancy due to being unhealthy, I had to lose a lot of weight to even fall pregnant and I’ve already said, for me personally, I want to get a lot healthier before baby number 2!
Some great tips here!
Lucie x
I need to do ALL of these things I think. I’m guilty of knowing what I should be doing (and eating) but then always ignoring my own advice and as a result feeling permanently tired and run down!
I am guilty of doing none of these things and I really should. My diet is shocking, I barely drink any water and I haven’t exercised since 1996!! I need to make some major changes!!
Definitely making sure you eat properly, you are so busy and drained after giving birth you need to get yourself healthy with energy. I think making sure you get time to yourself too even if it’s just for a bath
I just want to say I am sorry for your loss, it must be hard but you seem like a very strong and determined person with great support around you. Hopefully your new routine can help you heal in time x
I try to get as much sleep and rest as possible. Being a new mum can be draining. I like the sound of essential oils.