
Even though we celebrate Christmas on the eve of the 24th in Denmark it is equally as magical and still a very special occasion. As a child, I remember the anticipation, the delicious smells coming from the kitchen and the exciting presents waiting for us under the tree. I loved getting dressed up and still do, in pretty dresses and hair bows and often new shoes. Christmas still holds a special place in my heart and this year with Caspian being 3, it’s the first time he is really ready for the festive holiday. He couldn’t be more excited. My boy talks about Father Christmas on a daily basis. He is very concerned that the chimney might not be big enough for the big man in red to fit through. Although, he need not worry as the gifts will arrive!

This year we’ll hopefully be experiencing the best of both as we’ll be travelling to Denmark for the 24th with my family and then flying back on the morning of the 25th for a proper English Christmas here. I’ve therefore had to search for not one but two special outfits for Caspian.


I recently came across a new online site, and if your life is anything like mine, I’m so busy I rarely get chance to go to the shops, so being able to browse brands and sizes on my laptop is definitely convenient. Strawberry Children carry many of the world’s biggest names in luxury fashion, from Amarni to Kenzo and Ralph Lauren. It’s not often we buy more expensive clothes as Caspian grows so quickly but the quality is always exceptional, and he has a gorgeous orange cashmere jumper from Ralph Lauren that has lasted years. So, for Christmas, I’ll be looking at buying him outfits that will be appropriate for the day but can also be used in the coming year for other special occasions.


For this reason, I tend to shy away from designs that are too Christmassy. I want to be able to use the clothes throughout the year and so a jumper with a snowman design, or red sparkly trousers isn’t something I’d usually opt for however fun they are. To me, the most important thing is comfort. Caspian loves to run around, jump and crawl through things, so I want to make sure his outfit allows for this. Soft, natural materials are the best in my opinion. And even though it’s winter, it still gets toasty inside with fires on and lots of people, not to mention the heat from the kitchen, so these fabrics will allow his skin to breathe.

I’m still in a position where Caspian accepts whatever clothes he is given although I’m sure this will soon change so I’m taking full advantage. Does your little one like picking their own outfits? Have they chosen what to wear for Christmas this year?

Does your family dress up for Christmas or do you prefer to lounge around in something cosy? What’s your preferred style in children’s wear? Classic styles or something more fun and colourful?


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